Goldfarb Is Wasserman-Schultz's First Formidable Opponent
It Never Expires! My Oath of a Naval Officer:
"I, Edward Joel Goldfarb, having been appointed an officer in the Navy of the United States, in the grade of Ensign do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, and bare true faith and allegiance to the same. So, help me God."
This is the Oath I took when I received my commission as a Naval Officer. There is no expiration date on this Oath and I will take it to my grave. Everyone in Congress took a similar Oath. Unfortunately, it appears many must think there is an expiration date or it doesn't apply to them.
I'm running as a Constitutional Independent because I don't agree with all GOP's too far right policies and don't agree with any of the Congressional Democrats agenda.
"I'm disgusted with both parties. I am on moderate right, an Independent with Libertarian ideology. The Democrats have cloned into left-wing radicals by condoning, aiding and abetting a President that is doing everything possible to destroy America and the middle-class. The Republicans are in such chaos they can't pass a pack of gum through Congress.
I strongly believe and view our Constitution as a living and perpetual document that has been the guiding light that has made America a great Republic. Furthermore, I'm witnessing the entire body of the Democratic Congressional members and Biden failing to uphold their sworn duty to protect and defend the Constitution. They must believe it has an expiration date, it doesn't apply to them or they have flat out forsaken and abandoned the Constitution. As a Constitution Independent, I will push to recenter the Washington insanity and follow and adhere to the Constitution."
Like you, I am fed-up with the infighting and insanity in Washington. "I vehemently believe we must get back to running America of, for and by the people as per the Preamble of the Constitution. The road back to center starts with one patriotic candidate at a time." My qualifications are unparalleled couple with my honor, integrity, and accountability. I pledge to help bring about positive change and center "OUR" America.
My character will not allow me to be intimidated, bought-off, sold or compromised. I'm is a tried, and proven formidable negotiator coupled with the ability to solve complex problems with common sense, street smarts, I will always seek a fair and equitable compromise and a Win-Win solution.
Paid For By Edward Goldfarb Candidate
My Sworn Mission
My opponent and incumbent Debbie Wassermann-Schultz has always been a career politician with no real job, no business or real-life experiences. Right out of the University of Florida she moved into the political arena. How could she empathize with the middle-class if she never had to struggle financially and never walked in our shoes.
In contrast, I've had more than my share of tough times and good times. I know what financial hardship is like, the pain of losing everything and being broke. I know how easily dreams can be shattered. I know how to put the bad times behind me and work with persistence and work harder to come back wiser, bigger and stronger. I know, regardless of how bad things are today, tomorrow will be a brighter and better day.
Dirty hands, those that we give our trust to represent us in Washington should be held to the highest of standards. Our faith, trust and confidence in them must be unimpeachable. With absolute certainty we can't say that of Ms. Wasserman-Schultz. She has "Dirty Hands." Besides never having "real life" experience, she's never had the responsibility of a real job. Other than the trauma of cancer, Ms. Wasserman-Schultz has lived a charming and wonderful life. How can someone empathize with us if she has never had to walk in our shoes?
Ms. Wasserman -Schultz unethical behavior has verifiably disgraced her office and she was forced to resign as Chair of the DNC, Click on the above headline, "Low Standards of Ethics in Congress." Her behavior was so egregious, she was forced to resign as DNC Chair! There you will also see other highly questionable examples of her unethical behavior.
China owns thousands of acres, mostly farm land near military bases. How are we letting our potential enemy own our farmland especially close to military bases allowing them to spy on military operations. And, if Americans are not permitted to own land in China how do we allow them to own land in the United States?
80/20 is a universal rule, we can't within this space address all the many problems in America but if we follow the rule that 20% of what is done solves 80% of the problems.
Child sex slavery and trafficking breaks Eddie's heart and frustration because as citizen he could only sit back and witness one of the most horrific crimes imaginable.
Biden, EVERY congressional democrat and his cohorts seem to have a very blind eye to late term abortion, human and drug smuggling, and the need for a sane abortion policy. "We got Bin Laden we can force Mexico to join us in annihilating the cartels.
First Amendment when it comes to Politicians and the media, "We must demand truth and honesty from both politicians and the media. Slander, libel, deliberate lying, misrepresentation, omissions, half-truths must no longer be tolerated and I will have an unwavering commitment to the truth and honesty in politics and the media." His commitment to honesty makes him a breath of fresh air in the current political climate.
1. Capital crime for child and young women sex slavery and trafficking
2. FISA must have searched warrants
3. Reduce the size of government
4. Annihilating cartels - close borders. Deport criminal illegals
6. Government overreach and regulations
7. Deal with Iran re. terrorists support
8. Housing American Dream crisis
9. Americans can only vote - Bar coded ID cards
10. Abuse and squandering or tax dollars
11. Ban robo-calling telemarketing
12. End only chats for customer service. Any company providing goods or services being paid for by consumers must provide live telephone customer support.
13. End legislation of morality, i.e., criminalization of victimlees crimes such as but not limited to gambling, escorts, possession, and use of non-dangerous recreational drugs (I don't partake but users are not criminals). Alcohol and tobacco are more harmful and not criminalized.
14. We have a right to know the real facts and truth. The 1st Amendment is grossly abused by politicians and the media. Therefore, it would be a crime to deliberately lie, misrepresent, omit material facts, and / or in any way deliberately deceive the public for financial or political gain.l
15. Ban hormone therapy for children under 18
16. No sex education in elementary school
17. One American One Vote - Initiate bar coded voter IDs to eliminate the possibility of voter fraud
18. End home ownership of Hedge funds for rental purposes
19. Government customer service callbacks
20. Reduce corporate tax
21. De-weaponize the DOJ
22. Eliminate riders to bills
23. De fund NPR - Totally biases yellow journalism
24. End the abusive long waits calling government agencies and long wait time for visits. Call back system and call ahead appointments
25. No tolls on interstates
26. Two Plazas across from each other on interstate instead of one
27. Interstate bathroom cannot be locked.
28. RMD (Required Minimal Distribution) of IRA's shouldn't be forced
29. Investigate Biden family
30. Social media treated as publisher b/c of violation of 1st Amendment
31. Ban China or any Chinese citizen from owning any property in the United States. 32. Regulate all social media platforms with over 100 million subscribers as a publisher. Any violation of limiting free speech, so long as it isn't hate speech, not racially derogatory and it is respectful, a felony and management shall be held responsible and liable.
Unparalleled Qualifications
With a background as a Naval Officer and Fighter Pilot, Deputy Sheriff, Fortune Corporation Senior Managment, and successful business owner, I am able to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by our country. My dedication to education and literacy further showcased by my commitment to positively impacting the younger generation.
You can aupport my campaign by spreading the word, volunteering. Please ontacting me for more information at 954-605-8427. Donations $1 to no more than $100 used for social media advertising: